Board Self Assessments

Consultare Partners is a certified facilitator of the BoardSource Self-Assessment tool. Regularly assessing the board’s performance is an effective way to identify gaps in effective governance practices. This assessment provides in-depth data as to how the board is doing, how the board’s performance is benchmarked compared to other nonprofit boards, and opportunities for further board development. The Board Self-Assessment is a comprehensive tool for nonprofits to understand their board’s performance in these four key areas:

  • People - Board Composition, Board Structure, Board Meetings

  • Culture - Leadership Culture and Dynamics

  • Work - Mission and Vision, Strategic Direction, Funding and Public Image, Program Oversight, Chief Executive Oversight

  • Impact - Perceptions of the Board’s Impact on Organizational Performance

Full assessment process takes approximately 4-6 weeks to complete. Includes surveys collected from all board members and data generated from responses with benchmarks against other nonprofits. Consultare analyzes the data report and delivers a comprehensive presentation as well as any relevant training. Contact us today for additional detail and pricing!

Bring out the best in your board.

“What gets measured, gets improved.”

- Peter Drucker